Day 1:

I have decided that I want to make my own website. I also want my own email address ( The first thing I did was look online at google classroom and I tried, without success, to find a teacher’s website – aside from past and present teachers of mine. After that, I searched “how to build a website”. I then found Lifewire and a page by Coletta Teske called how to create a website. It was pretty good and has some good advice. It led me to a website called green geeks. It looked awesome and eco-friendly, so I decided to use it.

My next step was to come up with a domain name. I needed/wanted it to be unique , and easy to remember and spell. My first try worked ( I then started to navigate the website building application. At first, it was very difficult. I didn’t quite understand the applications available and it took lots of time with trial and error to figure out. However, once I had gotten the hang of things, my progress skyrocketed.

Day 4:

By this time, the website was coming along. I had started to think about what needs I could fulfill in the short-term, using this newfound website-building skill. An idea came to mint that people in my class supported: a website that collected all the different homework from all the classes that my cohort and I were currently taking – rather than the situation we were facing, which is almost every single teacher having a separate platform to share homework. So, that is exactly what I did.


That’s all for now.